I had my front teeth knocked-out when I was 10yo and j-walking. Before that, my teeth were quite perfect and beautiful. I pretty much stopped smiling until I went to a dentist two years later who restored my teeth with porcelain. I was SO happy, I wanted to cry and hug the dentist, but I’ve always held the extremes like that back.
I didn’t say anything at the time, but at one point on Sunday after you demoed/ treated my shoulder, I felt the exact same as I did with that dentist! I was beginning to wonder if my shoulder had resolved to the furthest extent of it’s ability…I was almost ready to accept that I will always have some pain there. Rob, I have MAYBE 1% of pain now, and I really have to hunt for it! I told you that I was at that 90% recovery point but couldn’t seem to get past that. Voila! You did it! …now I know for certainty that a 100% recovery will happen! I can comfortably swim again! I love to swim, but the arcing motion required was too painful. The past couple of days have been bliss in the pool.
This is frickin’ awesome, Rob.
Thank you!!