Christina was in a rear-end MVA February 2014. Her shoulder was increasing in pain and tension. I treated her today for the first time.
“We left your clinic and walked down the block to get the car. We drove (Christina was driving) around the block to go into the Chevron so I could get a slurpee. When I came out to the car, Christina was behind the wheel, tears streaming down her face! This was the first time in months she has been able to move her arm!”
Where do I start?…. My treatments have changed completely, I have slowed down and the results are amazing. My new key words: Reciprocal Tension. Thank you so much for your passion your hard work which has brought some of us even more pleasure in what we do. I have been having amazing results with cases like plantarfasciitis, calf pain, knee pain and wrists/hand ailments. LAST was made for me! Thank you again.
I have completely changed the way I work and I am loving every minute of using these techniques. Every day I am amazed at how much using the techniques is giving me great results. My palpation skills is improving every day and my clients are noticing. Thank you so much and do continue to send me more information… :)